About Me:

Welcome. For those of you new here, greetings my name is Cerah Diaboli and I am a practicing occultist/witch of the Left Hand Path for a few years now. I work with demons and I specialise in necromancy, draconian magick, Qliphothic magick, void/abyssal magick as well as astral work. On this blog, I hope to give more information on the Gods that I love dearly as well as documenting certain experiences I have on the path when it is appropriate to share, so that I can shed more light for those who are curious about the path etc.

My practice began in 2020, prior to that my childhood had not been very spooky like other peers on this path where others have purportedly shared that they have seen and heard ghosts. I, fortunately and unfortunately was not blessed naturally with clairvoyance however, I had of out of body experiences in my early childhood which to some degree was rather traumatising to the extent that they burned into my memories rather strongly. There are some where my room was ransacked with cockroaches, crawling all over my physical body which was lying in bed and my astral self, standing by the side of the bed and watching absolutely terrified by the horrific scene, and some where I was transported to some hellish realms, chased by spirits all around until I was able to transport myself to somewhere safe and force myself to wake up. Some of these experiences I would later learn was all thanks to my patron, Beelzebub who had fun tormenting little me for whatever reason.

That said, my practice didn’t begin in demonolatry, rather it was the opposite. I started witchcraft still being christian, doing angelic magick and working with all sorts of angels, thinking they were fond of me because when I asked my tarot cards what they thought of me, the tower card flew out and I thought it was funny at the time since they thought of me to be chaotic (or at least that was how I took it.) I was wrong. Way damn off. Looking back now, I find myself at the time laughable, inexperienced and ignorant. The naive, ignorant me never would’ve thought that divinities would dislike me, or COULD dislike anyone as a matter of fact. I thought of them as all just and fair which was painfully wrong as I begin to walk and experience more and more on my path for knowledge. Few months into practicing I thirsted for more and more knowledge as well as freedom, it was at that point the demons decided to reach out to me. The draw to them was huge, therefore I made the decision to leave christianity in pursuit of more knowledge and to follow my instincts.

My path has come a long way and I am still working hard to accomplish certain ambitions I have spiritually as well as physically. I hope this blog would be of help to aspiring practitioners or practitioners who may want to further their path.

For those who may know, I had a tumblr which posted all sorts of informational posts, that being said those content will be moved on here and my tumblr will be closed down. For posts regarding profiles of demons, these will all be purely informational.

FYI, I also have an instagram account @cerahdiabolicus feel free to check it out or approach me. I post here and there about my path as well as myself, it’s also a platform I use to give offerings to the demons.

Stay tuned.

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